St. References

The growing list of podcast teams unlocking new audiences with our guidance. Want to grow your show too (and add your logo to our wall of love)? Let’s find out how we can help:

ARD Audiothek
Digital Kompakt
"Since 🎧 Verstehen, fühlen, glücklich sein
is a side project to our main product,
it is difficult for us as a small team
to devote dedicated resources to it.
David's guidance helped us to focus.
He has helped us to define our next
steps so that the podcast can bring
real growth to our product."
"Our podcast 🎧 Marketing on Fire has done very
well and has reached a stable listener base.
The challenge now is to attract new listeners and increase our reach. This needs to be done in a steady and structured way, using scalable methods. In the very well structured workshop with David we discussed many options. From there we selected and prioritized the ones that were right for us. The whole thing was packed into a concrete roadmap that we can use to test and further develop the approaches."
"My biggest pain point has always been that I have lots of ideas, but I can't seem to get them into a proper plan. So what I've been trying to do since I started my podcast a year ago, David and I managed to do in three hours: we worked out a distribution strategy, prioritised planned methods, defined to-dos and created a calendar of when I want to focus on what."
"The podcast workshop with David was exactly what I needed! I've already hit my absolute time limit and realised that I need to create much less new marketing material. Instead, I'm now documenting my thoughts and actions on the way to a new episode. My listeners can follow this process
in real time on Instagram."
"David's input on podcast distribution was invaluable for our podcast teams. His insight into maximizing visibility without relying on algorithmic discovery opened our eyes to new strategies. We're grateful for his expertise and the practical advice."
"After a year of planning for 🎧 Alpha and OMG,
the workshop brought structure and a huge collection of ideas to our project. We were
able to work out our roles precisely, so that in the future we can fully rely on our strengths
as a team in production and distribution.
David also emphasized the importance
of a well-orchestrated podcast launch,
which we are now working towards
with great focus and clarity."
"For us journalists (or content producers,
as you like) distribution has not really been
our main focus or strength. We knew how
to find, research, and tell good stories.
But we often backed down when it came to
getting them out there. Working with David has
shown us how valuable and sustainable, but also relatively easy, distribution can be when you integrate it from day one. Now all that remains
is to convince our clients of this message :)"
"David is an extremely competent
and likeable expert in the planning, distribution and marketing
of podcasts. Thanks to his comprehensive distribution
checklist, I can advise my clients
more effectively and make their corporate podcasts a success."
"Together with St. Audio, we are accelerating
the growth of our daily music podcast 🎧 Popfilter.
The Growth Club helps the team to evaluate the process, gives helpful advice and David’s personal experience enriches our own perspective. The first workshop and activities have already had a direct impact on Popfilter’s listenership. We are excited about all the
new perspectives and the whole team is looking forward to the next months of collaboration!"
"The workshop provided a space for in-depth reflection and discussions that I otherwise don't have much time for in my everyday life. It showed me that I should take a more strategic approach to collaborations for building reach and workings with advertisers. David also encouraged me to finally start a newsletter to accompany the podcast, which is already proving to be a profitable addition."
"Does a podcast exist if it is not listened to? David raised this philosophical question with our team at the outset and showed us the importance of thinking about distribution from the beginning
to the end of a project: from conception
to funding to distribution. Thank you
for sharing your expertise."

Bringing podcast distribution expertise to thought-leading shows

Trusted source for unique industry insights and growth hacks

“Endlich auf 1 in den Podcast-Charts (in deiner Nische)” — TextHacks Newsletter Guest Article

“Der Newsletter-Wachstumskalender” — Newsletter-Newsletter Guest Article

“Wie man nicht als Podcast-Leiche endet” — Interview

“So machst du deinen Podcast wirklich sichtbar (mit 9 Best-Practice-Beispielen)” — Beifahrersitz Newsletter Guest Article

“Wie gehen gute Podcast-Video-Clips?” — Let’s Push Things Forward! Newsletter Feature

“Wie verhilft euer KI-Assistent Podcaster:innen zu mehr Wachstum?” — Interview

“Podcasts machen meine Welt ein Stückchen größer – Interview mit David Reiter” — Netzpiloten Interview

“Anders arbeiten für Anfänger:innen” — Blaupause Newsletter Guest Article

“33 Ideen für mehr Umsatz” — Blaupause Newsletter Guest Article

Unlock Your High-Impact Distribution Strategy

Live lectures and workshops

“+150 Wege, um mit deinem Podcast zu wachsen (was wirklich funktioniert – und was nicht)” Dezibel Podcast  Conference 2024-10 @ Winterthur, Switzerland

“Deine 90-Tage Distributionsstrategie” Steady Growth Day 2024-09 @ Hamburg, Germany

“Einmaliger Aufwand, fortlaufende Wirkung: Die Quick Wins für dein Podcast-Wachstum” — Berlin Podcast Week 2024-09 @ Berlin, Germany

“Deine Abkürzung zu Reichweite und Monetarisierung für deinen Podcast” — Media Lab Innovation Festival 2024-06 @ Munich, Germany

“Podcast Fireside Chat mit David Reiter und Maurice Rothenburg” — TOA24 x Beydes 2024-06 @ Berlin, Germany

“Wie ich für +60 Podcasts Reichweite aufgebaut habe” — fjum Masterclass Open Day 2023-10 @ Vienna, Austria

“Wie mache ich meinen Podcast groß?” — MIZ Inspiration Day 2023 @ Potsdam, Germany